November 19, 2007

An overview of using zero-day exploits in penetration tests

This is yet another post focused on penetration tests and misleading points about them .

I`m hearing a lot about zero-days , un-patched bugs , in the wild exploits for just reported vulnerabilities and many alike terms that finally will lead to a painful compromise , in case the target is not someone with "Defense in depth strategy" in mind. At the other hand I`m faced with people, thinking about professional penetration testers and skilled auditors as magicians !

Talking about pen-tests , many people think that pro. auditors are successful at their tasks because they always have some 0-day kind of bug/exploit/technique/trick available in their hands. It`s really common to hear that "He has probably used a 0-day to own them..." , "You`re ling me , I checked for every single possibility and could not find anything useful. Do you have any 0-day exploit for service X ?!! " , and so on ...
Yes , zero-day stuff will some times guarantee success of missions , but are they really used every time ? Will pen-test fail if every single host/software is updated to latest version ? Will you be hacker-proof if you monitor everything and keep your softwares and systems immune against zero-hour threads ?
I`ll instantly answer NO , to above questions. Doing pen-test for at least 4 years and successfully compromising many banks , government & military services , mission-critical infrastructures and tens of individual companies , I have to say that success of mission was very rarely depended on using private or zero-day stuff ! I`m not saying 'never depended' because some times customers specifically ask for being tested against unknown and zero day vulnerabilities and techniques , but that`s not a general case .
I divide customers into two groups . Those who understand the risk of zero-day attacks and willing to pay enough so their pen-test (and R&D behind tests) cover it, and those who blindly tell you "Try every possible way to break into network " and don`t care about unknown vulnerabilities , assuming being safe against attacks on latest-versions is enough .
So how tests lead to successful compromise , if we`re faced with a patched infrastructure and we have not used ANY zero-day exploit (Although we may have some) ?
Reviewing past projects results, and watching the way most teams manage their networks will tell us that there are always some design flaws and management problems , guarantee the success of hackers .
When I mention design-flaw , I usually mean the way networks are planned and designed , or the way small pieces of a big infrastructure are putted together . This is really common in big networks. Telecommunication or banks networks for example, have many entry/access points among many back-end systems . Assume a bank , have X number of services available to customers , and customers can access these services in Y different ways , and there are Z number of known attacks/vulnerabilities available for every combination .
Therefore we have X*Y*Z number of ways to gain access to interesting data ,and we`re always allowed to test at least few of them. Insecurely allowing branches to connect to central office , is an example for this group of vectors , causing serious risks that affecting infrastructure .
I mentioned management problems too . And I mean the way networks are managed . This covers they way a password-policy is deployed ,to the way administrators keep their systems up-to-date ,configure services and devices ,and monitor & take care of human-factor mistakes . Even a single insecurely configured service can put whole of linked systems at risks , or a single missed security patch can be used as entry point for digging other systems & services .
If you search enough and investigate everything carefully you`ll always find an out-dated thing ! Yes , out-dated means something that have some KNOWN vulnerabilities . This thing can be a firmware , a third-party service or software , an active-x , or even old version of a protocol .
And finally about weak/default/missing passwords ?
There`s yet another interesting vector to investigate , which is not taken seriously by many people trying to break into a network . Foot printing .
I wrote multiple paragraphs right above this sentence about finding X and Y , checking this and that , looking for design flaws and etc ... . Have you ever imagined where all of those information may come from ? They all depend on a good foot-printing process which is the very first of every penetration test . The more you focus on it and do it carefully , the more findings you`ll have to work on for next steps.
I personally had some experiences that effective and deeply foot-printing a target , resulted in finishing pen-test at first step ! Yes , believe me or not , if you search enough and carefully there`s chance to gain access to some critical knowledge about target , without touching a single host in target`s network which may result in instant compromise of data/systems/users . Even if this case do not apply , you`ll always learn very much about your target .

So what`s the point behind writing all these ?
The point is that , why should you use zero-day stuff at all , when there are MANY ways to get close to target without using it ? If a hacker/auditor correctly try every mentioned vector , I can guarantee that he`ll be inside and intruded enough BEFORE reaching the end of first loop of try & discovery !
Some people may ask "why should we waste that much of time & energy, when there`s chance of almost instantly 0wning final targets by using few zero-day stuff ? "
Nice question . The answer is that zero-day stuff are not provided freely or even easily and even more important , not only they are not free but they are usually very expensive ! So the point is that zero-days have their own value and cost and can`t/should n`t be used like normal stuff unless it`s really necessary or asked by customer. Value of every single zero-day thing , should make you think that does it really worth using it against target ? Let me be more clear in providing an example here . Will you use a zero-day vulnerability that costs 20.000$ against a 10.000$ target ? It`s highly depended on you but most people will answer no . Of course you may answer like you use this 20k $ vuln 5 times and you`ll be the winner . This way I`ll wait for you to come back later time , willing to pay 50k $ for same flaw because you have wasted and burnt it previously for multiple cheap targets , and now you`re faced with a hardly locked down target which costs 200k $ ! got the point ?
There`s usually so much time,energy,knowledge and experience behind every single zero-day you gain access to (Either by finding it yourself or paying for it) . So they should be used like golden and final bullets , when there`s no way not to use them .

So , next time you failed in your intrusion attempt , it`s better to look back and see how you`ve finished previous steps and how much careful you`ve been in reviewing and working on your findings , rather than asking God a zero-day . Did you really tried every possible way ? I bet no !

There is still much to write about zero-days , like why/when we should look for them , or the idea behind current zero-day markets and clubs . I`ll prefer to leave these topics for another post. I`d appreciate your comments telling me how to continue this topic or even completely stopping it :)


  1. Things you have mentioned are true facts, normally none or very few 0days/private vulnerabilities are used in penetration testings. with the new hardware protections the age of these kind of vulnerabilities seems to be finally over. human errors?! forever.

  2. I didn't see this post,I saw this today .
    if maybe for you continue this intersting post. please :)
    thanks again .
